I am yet again attempting another blog! After reading through a few other mommy blogs it caught my interest to start my own. I don't know how interesting my life will be but I hope to find some enjoyment out of this. Are you thinking, this won't last long? You are probably right because I am thinking the same thing! *WARNING*- My grammer will be some of the worst you have ever seen. Lets keep hopes up that you all can get through my rambles with a basic understanding.
It is time to show off my little man. His name is Ian Kurt born on March 28, 2007. Can you believe he is almost a year old? Where does all the time go :-( You want to know my little guys interests? It isn't much (duh!), he likes to explore at this age, cry when he doesn't get his way, play with mommies boobs (yes, I say boobs..sooo PG), eat snacks 24/7, and get into trouble. This is all a typical baby boy in my book.
Yesterday I decided to play around with my Cannon EOS 400D and try to take some decent looking pictures. I want to call this the Ian Playtime Photoshoot...what do you think? I am trying to work on my photography skills and photographing my baby is fun and the best way to show off the beautful life of him.
I plan to work on some more photoshoots of him. I can't wait for the weather to get nice so I am able to take him outside. Nature always brings out the best in a little one!
Oh well, nap time is over..time for his afternoon snack!
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