Wednesday, December 31, 2008

I saw the Sun

Horses in Einsiedeln
Horses pulling a buggy in Einseideln

Okay so I didn’t get to Einseideln Monday as planned since no one could watch Ian but…… we did get to go yesterday. Let me say, I was so happy to see the beautiful sunshine again. Zurich has been covered in the normal winter fog so every day seems so blah and cold outside; Einseideln was just high enough above the fog.


Using my Macro as a medium Telephoto Lens, Top of Einseideln

My Mom really enjoyed the church and an Apple Cinnamon Crepe at the local café. I was ecstatic to see bouillon soup with crepe strips on the menu (my latest craving). The soup is just perfect with the Swiss bread. My Husband always giggles when he sees me ripping and dipping. I think that is why I had to pull out my Bella Band today..maybe I've been eating a bit too much. *gasp*

Einsiedeln Horses

Oh my..yes it is New Years Eve, soo HAPPY NEW YEARS EVE. Tonight we are going to have a meal at the In-Laws than go out to Zurich to watch the fireworks. I am hoping to get some good pictures, but we’ll see.. I might just be soo frozen. It is that time to pull out the long underwear. Well, time for me to get back to the 9 loads of laundry (grr, why did our laundry day have to be today) waiting for me.

Goodbye 2008!

Candle in the Wind

Candle at a local Einseideln Shop


GypsiAdventure said...

Happy New Year to you and your family!

jmc said...

Your pictures are fantastic!
