This past weekend we got some time with just Ian to take him over to Zurich and enjoy the nice HOT summer weather while my Mother-in-Law watched Gabriella and Vanessa. Since when I took him a couple weeks ago and he was pointing at the pedal boats, we decided to rent one and take him out on the Lake. He really enjoyed it! While Andy chilled in the front pedaling to make sure we didn’t hit the hundreds of other boats out there, Ian and I hung our legs off the back splashing around. Of course that makes a two year old have the munchies, so we let him finish his bag of chips while pointing at the scenery around us, ducks being his favorite.
Playing with his friend
After an hour of water bliss, we grabbed some ice cream at the grocery store and headed over to his favorite park. Andy ran around in the sand and water with him. Ian had sand in every little nook in cranny after that! It was so nice to able to spend that time with just the 3 of us, and I am sure Ian felt like a star. He hadn’t really had a day like that since his sisters were born.
"Don't leave my playhouse"
Now it is back to a normal week, with the exception of my friend Sobia leaving to go back to her “home” country. Tears were almost shed Monday as we had our last time of letting our little ones play together. I am hoping to be able to go visit her a couple times a year. This is the life of an expat, you make expat friends and they usually have to move back home at some point.
one gorges girl and enjoy the boy . good happy family :)
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Awesome photos, thanks!
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